Child work permit

Information for parents and employers on child employment and how to apply for a child work permit.

1 Overview

Children must be 13 years old before they can work part-time. The person employing the child is required to apply for a work permit within seven days of employing the child. There is a fine of up to £1,000 for employing a child without a permit.

Information on what hours a child can work can be found in the application form under 'Apply for a work permit'.

Additional information

2 When a permit is required

Some examples of the part time jobs that children can undertake are:

  • agricultural or horticultural work
  • newspaper delivery round
  • working in a hairdressing salon
  • office work
  • working at a riding stables
  • domestic work in hotels and other buildings offering accommodation
  • café work such as waiting tables. 

Babysitting for friends and neighbours is not classed as employment.

If your child is 16 and has received their National Insurance number, they will still require a permit until the last Friday of June (academic Year 11), which is the school leaving date.

3 Apply for a work permit

Complete and return the application form to the address on the form.

4 Help and advice

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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