Records management

Information on records retention and disposal.

The County Council produces a large amount of records and information.

Records management ensures that:

  • we provide safe and secure storage for the County Council's physical records
  • we provide a retrieval service, so information can be quickly and easily accessed when required
  • we identify records of historical importance or interest for appraisal and potential permanent preservation in West Sussex Record Office
  • we comply with legislation such as the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • all records, both physical and electronic, are retained for the correct period of time
  • records are confidentially destroyed at the correct time.

Records retention and disposal schedules

The records retention and disposal schedules are the definitive documents outlining the procedure for retaining and disposing of records within the County Council.

The documents show:

  • the types of records created and received by, or on behalf of, County Council services
  • how long they should be kept based on legislation, business need or best practice
  • the justification for retaining them for this length of time
  • what should happen to them at the end of the retention period.

Supporting documents

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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