Mid Sussex Growth Deal

This deal will see significant investment in the town, with approximately 5,000 new homes and community facilities.

1 Overview

The Mid Sussex Growth Deal has secured significant investment in Burgess Hill town centre, supporting the delivery of up to 5,000 new homes, community facilities, high value business space and the regeneration of the town centre, together with the delivery of key transport and sustainable transport infrastructure to support the planned growth of the town.

To support the ongoing delivery of the Mid Sussex Growth Programme, West Sussex County Council (WSCC) are working in partnership with Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) through the Mid Sussex Growth Deal to deliver shared priorities and ambitions for the area.

One of the most significant areas for growth potential in West Sussex is in Burgess Hill, attracting significant public and private sector investment through the Mid Sussex Growth Programme, which derives from the Mid Sussex Growth Deal.

The Mid Sussex Growth Deal, through the coordinated investment of private and public sector funding, creates opportunities for economic growth in the town through the delivery of:

  • 5,000 homes and 200,000sqm of high value, digitally connected business space supporting up to 5,000 high value jobs together with town centre regeneration
  • social infrastructure including two new primary schools, one new secondary school and three local centres, providing commercial and local employment space, together with a centre for community sport
  • major highway safety, capacity and journey time improvements through the dualling of the A2300 and the delivery of the Northern Arc spine road
  • enhanced connectivity, safeguarded existing jobs, increased sustainable commuting and improved commercial, environmental and economic conditions to deliver connected site regeneration and sustainable growth
  • creating high quality sustainable transport infrastructure and connected public realm improvements to boost higher value residential and commercial investment and integrate new development within the town centre and transport hubs.

The Growth Deal focuses on development opportunities and infrastructure delivery, complementing planned development within the wider Mid Sussex Growth Programme and reflecting agreed priorities that support the wider growth and regeneration of the town and attracting continued investment.

Full details of the programme, partnerships and individual projects within the programme are detailed in the Mid Sussex Growth Programme website.

2 Partners

WSCC and MSDC are working in partnership to deliver the shared priorities within the Mid Sussex Growth Deal, supported by Burgess Hill Town Council, Coast to Capital Local Economic Partnership and Homes England to deliver agreed ambitions and priorities for economic growth in the Burgess Hill area.

3 Priorities

Town centre regeneration

Mid Sussex District Council granted planning consent to NewRiver REIT in 2021 for the redevelopment of a key town centre site through the regeneration of the Martlets Shopping Centre, which is delivering:

  • £65m investment to regenerate the town centre to provide a vibrant, growing and attractive destination for businesses, residents and visitors
  • 172 town centre flats
  • a modern shopping centre, including multiplex cinema, bowling alley, hotel and family restaurants
  • a new, modern library providing access to a range of services and information within the town centre.

The town centre regeneration scheme will meet the demands of existing and new residents, attracting inward investment and deliver improvements to public transport and high quality public realm improvements.

The Brow

The Brow is a site currently in multiple ownership, located to the west of the town centre and approximately 700 meters from Burgess Hill railway station and adjacent to the St, Wilfrid’s Catholic Primary School. The site currently comprises:

  • Fire and Rescue Station
  • Ambulance Station
  • GP Surgery
  • NHS clinic and social/assisted living dwellings.

Through One Public Estate, WSCC secured funding for options appraisal/viability studies to explore potential redevelopment options to provide town centre housing together with community uses and the potential for re-provision of Burgess Hill Fire and Ambulance Station.

Northern Arc

The Northern Arc is a strategic site within the Mid Sussex District Council Local Plan. Homes England acquired the site in 2018 and were granted planning consent in 2019 for the delivery of:

  • 3,500 homes
  • three new schools (two new primary schools and one new secondary school linked to the development to meet the growth in pupil numbers within the wider area)
  • new local centres
  • employment and sport/recreation areas with a new strategic link road to the A2300
  • sustainable transport links to the town centre and transport hubs.

Construction of the Northern Arc and supporting infrastructure commenced in 2020 and details of the construction programme and delivery of infrastructure are available on the Northern Arc pages of Mid Sussex Growth Programme website.

Science and Technology Park

Proposals for a 100-acre site capable of delivering 100,000sq.m of office/light industry/research and development space with good access to the town centre, sustainable transport and principal transport corridors are being promoted on land to the north of the A2300 through the draft Mid Sussex Plan.

Together with The Hub business park and employment space being delivered through the Northern Arc, the Science and Technology Park would meet the potential knowledge-based property demand and help create more sustainable communities in Mid Sussex, improving job prospects within the district and reducing the need for commuting.

A2300 dualling

The strategic growth planned for Burgess Hill will be supported by the timely delivery of infrastructure, including the widening of the existing A2300 to provide a dual carriageway link between the town’s principal highway routes and the A23 to the west. This is in addition to sustainable transport links between the highway corridor and the wider pedestrian, cycle and equestrian networks.

The A2300 dualling commenced in Spring 2020 and officially opened to the public in April 2022. The dualling ensures sufficient highway capacity to meet the transport needs of the town and planned growth.

Burgess Hill Place and Connectivity Programme

The Burgess Hill Place and Connectivity Programme is a coordinated investment in sustainable transport and public realm improvements that are a key element in unlocking and supporting the planned growth at Burgess Hill.

In December 2018, the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership granted £10.9m of Local Growth Funding with £10.9m match funding commitments met from private sector and S106/CIL. The programme commenced design of several on and off-road pedestrian and cycle improvements in 2019, with delivery of a number of off-road improvements commencing in 2020 and on-road improvements programmed for delivery in 2021/22.

The programme has delivered:

  • public realm and connectivity enhancements at Burgess Hill and Wivelsfield Stations
  • public realm and connectivity improvements in Burgess Hill Town
  • connectivity between the A2300 corridor and key destinations in Burgess Hill, as listed above.

The programme continues to deliver:

  • connectivity between the development of 3,500 homes in the Northern Arc and key destinations in Burgess Hill, as mentioned above
  • connectivity between the Victoria Business Park and key destinations in Burgess Hill
  • connectivity between Burgess Hill and Haywards Heath
  • connectivity between surrounding villages and key destinations in Burgess Hill.
Last updated:
23 September 2024
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