Adur and Worthing Growth Deal

This programme of regeneration projects funded by partners will unlock opportunities for new homes and employment in Adur and Worthing.

1 Overview

The Adur and Worthing Growth Deal was signed in March 2017 as an ambitious 5-year partnership programme of regeneration focusing on key priorities across the area. The Growth deal between West Sussex County Council (WSCC), Adur District Council (ADC) and Worthing Borough Council (WBC) is currently undergoing a refresh in order to continue attracting investment and combining resource to deliver local economic growth. This will enable the development of new homes and creating employment opportunities and community facilities.

Find out more about the Adur and Worthing Growth Deal (PDF, 5.8MB)

The overall aim of the growth programme is to sustain local economic growth and maximise prosperity, regenerating communities. Public authorities are working together with organisations and agencies within the region, including Coast to Capital (C2C), Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Coastal West Sussex, to identify funding and investment opportunities.

The Growth Partnership directs specialist teams to design and deliver major projects that create new housing, employment space and community facilities, associated transport connections and environmental improvements to the quality of the public areas in town centres.

2 Worthing priorities

Worthing town centre

A partnership programme supports the local economy by bringing together key redevelopment areas in the town through a series of associated public realm improvements.

Major enhancements made to public realm in the town centre will create high quality sustainable landscapes, reactivating community spaces, making welcoming, safe and accessible environments for the benefit of residents, businesses and visitors.

Worthing Public Realm Improvements (WPRI)

West Sussex County Council (WSCC), working in partnership with Worthing Borough Council (WBC), have identified priorities for a public realm improvements programme to support the revival of the town centre economy.

The programme of projects provides a significant opportunity to improve the quality of the environment and sustainable transport connections between the train station, the seafront and key redevelopment sites in the town centre.

Key aims of WPRI include:

  • creating quality landscapes at destination and arrival points
  • delivering great gateways with clear routes and desirable spaces
  • improving the safety of the public realm to make it more accessible and inclusive
  • promoting sustainable travel within healthy and attractive environments
  • engaging with key stakeholders to build upon strong local support

A Leader Decision (LDR01 2018-2019) in May 2018, approved a £5m capital allocation to develop a WPRI programme and delegated the Director of Place to take forward Portland Road and other key priority projects to be identified.

Portland Road

The Portland Road project works completed by Landbuild in the summer of 2022.

A key decision in May 2020 allocated Capital programme funds to support upgrades on Portland Road and delivery by WBC.

WSCC and WBC worked in partnership to develop an attractive and accessibility scheme for the area, with new paving, adjusted parking and loading bays to extend the pedestrianised area around the cafes, shops and restaurants.

WBC installed street lighting and high-quality furniture and introduced new trees and planting to create an attractive sustainable low maintenance landscape.

Railway Approach

Railway Approach (RA) is the second WPRI project to progress, enhancing the Worthing station gateway and creating a sustainable transport interchange linking a new cycleway with a cycle hub.

The new layout and design features improve public access, safety and extends communal spaces introducing new trees and planting. To find out more and for the latest updates visit the Railway Approach web page.

Montague Gardens project

In April 2021, members of WPRI Advisory Board supported the next phase of Montague Place regeneration to revitalise local businesses by extending the town square area, towards the seafront, to enable space for public events.

Major projects and Worthing investment prospectus

Partnership public realm projects link together major investment within the town centre, regenerating the place and its’ assets, creating a sustainable transport network and upgrading the digital infrastructure.

Development partners are building new homes and providing modern commercial, leisure and or retail space at several locations in the borough:

  • Teville Gate - key regeneration site south of Railway Approach
  • Aquarena - redundant site redeveloped to create Splashpoint sport centre, 141 homes and seafront restaurant
  • Civic Place - a new Health Centre and multi-storey car park
  • Union Place - new homes planned next to Connaught Theatre
  • Grafton - an opportunity to redevelop old seafront car park

Decoy Farm, East Worthing

WBC remediated this site using a £4.8m Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) funding unlocking the site for a potential extension to an existing business park which can create future local employment.

Centenary House, Durrington

The council has deemed this site surplus to operational requirements due to the condition of the office buildings and new ways of working.

Staff and services previously at the location have been accommodated into Durrington Bridge House and alternative locations, where they continue to serve our local residents.

The site is in joint ownership through a trust with Sussex Police with 60% of the site in council ownership. Both parties are currently assessing their options at the location with the council planning to dispose of its asset, subject to governance and planning.

3 Worthing Railway Approach

(Position in December 2024)


Railway Approach is the second phase of a wider £12 million programme of significant public realm improvement schemes following the completion of Portland Road. Investments are making public areas accessible, safe and sustainable community spaces linking the railway station, the town centre and the seafront. These schemes are key to the regeneration plans aimed at supporting the recovery and resilience of the local economy by creating a better, more attractive environment for residents, shoppers, businesses and visitors.

On 14 April 2023, a key decision was approved endorsing the completed detailed design, approving a construction budget of £2.287m and endorsing the commencement of procurement. On 5 December 2023, another key decision was approved awarding the construction contract to Landbuild Ltd.

Construction commenced on 5 February 2024 and is in its final stages with work expected to complete in December 2024. The work is being delivered in phases to minimise disruption to residents, businesses, visitors and station users. Find FAQs, the latest updates and futuristic illustrations.

See the detailed designs below.

What the Railway Approach scheme will deliver

Worthing Railway Approach is an important point of arrival, key to making a positive first impression to those visiting the town. To enhance the experience for commuters and others who regularly use Worthing Railway Station, we are improving the area through greening and access improvements.

This includes:

  • widened footways around the railway station
  • new footway surfaces
  • new crossing facilities
  • additional seating
  • way-finding information
  • improved green spaces using trees and planting
  • working with the rail authorities to improve the rail buildings as part of the upgrade
  • installation of a community art project

Cross Street cycle contraflow

In synergy with the works on Railway Approach, works to promote walking and cycling on Cross Street are also being undertaken. While the Railway Approach scheme derives from the Worthing Growth Programme, the Cross Street improvements are funded by the Active Travel programme. To avoid additional disruption, and in order to streamline the two projects, these schemes are being delivered together.

The scheme is providing a contra-flow cycle lane linking Railway Approach to Cross Street which will serve cyclists travelling westbound. Additionally, the scheme has implemented a raised crossing and raised table to prioritise pedestrian priority at the junction with Railway Approach.

Find details of the governance relating to the Cross Street scheme.

Traffic Regulation Orders

Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) are legal documents that enable West Sussex County Council, as the local highway authority, to manage the use of roads in the county.

Railway Approach and Victoria Road Amendment Order 2023 (WOR-8020-MM) - Traffic Regulation Order

To facilitate delivery of the Railway Approach scheme, there will be changes to kerb-lines, general layout and parking on Railway Approach and Victoria Road. These improvements are part of the public realm enhancements through the TRO process. Full details of this notice can be viewed on our TRO web page.

Cross Street Amendment Order 2023 (WOR-8021-MM) - Traffic Regulation Order

The Cross Street works also require changes to parking, road layout and pedestrian crossings so therefore, also required a TRO. See our TRO web page for the Cross Street works.


The improvements will create an attractive and functional area which links to its surroundings, in particular the pedestrian routes between the railway station and the town centre through the Teville Gate redevelopment site and Oxford Road.

It will provide a clear and user-friendly transport interchange with accessible car and pick-up/drop off points, taxi rank and improved bus stops. New CCTV will be provided and an upgrade of the street lighting also form part of the scheme.

4 Adur priorities

Southwick Square

A Key Decision allocated £600,000 to complete the scheme design and construction of Southwick Square public realm improvements and delegated the delivery of the scheme to Adur District Council. Works commenced in Spring 2023 and successfully completed in Autumn 2023.

Lancing and Shoreham, development at New Monks Farm and Shoreham Airport

WSCC worked together in partnership with Adur District Council, Highways England and development partners to secure investment to improve the A27 and a new junction, along with essential upgrades to the transport network and sustainable travel, as priorities in the Adur Local Plan.

The scheme has unlocked a major development site for the delivery of up to 623 new homes and 25,000 sqm of new employment floor space, served by the new junction. The first 250 homes are complete, with a further 384 homes progressing to schedule.

Shoreham harbour regeneration

WSCC, in partnership with ADC, Shoreham Port Authority, and Brighton & Hove City Council, secured significant investment for flood and tidal defences and adopted a Joint Area Action Plan (October 2019).

WSCC and ADC are working with developers on plans to deliver flood protection and sustainable transport measures to support the delivery of new business units and over 1,000 new homes around the Western Harbour arm.

Pond Road, Shoreham

A partnership study explored options for the site and concluded that it was financially unviable to combine public library and health care services into a new hub. The NHS are exploring options to improve their existing health centre.

The county council is looking at ways to enhance the library and to attain best value. It has marketed its vacant site to secure a residential developer who will deliver new homes suitable for adults with care and support needs to help meet local demand.

Last updated:
10 December 2024
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