Cognition and learning links and resources

Useful links and resources.

Literacy and dyslexia

Inclusion Development Programme (IDP): a suite of training materials for schools to increase their knowledge and skills around difficulties with Literacy and Dyslexia.

British Dyslexia Association: information for parents and professionals.

Made By Dyslexia a global charity run by adults with dyslexia which addresses perceptions of dyslexia and explores the ‘differences in dyslexic thinking’.

Dyslexia-SpLD Trust Framework: information on The Literacy and Dyslexia-SpLD Professional Development Framework.

Dyslexia Scotland: various resources can be found here including the Dyslexia Toolkit for teachers.

Helen Arkell Materials: a range of ‘Teaching for Dyslexia’ videos.

Daily use of well researched, evidence based programmes for reading or spelling. For example, Letters and Sounds, Read Write Inc.

The Education Endowment Foundation contains guidance reports with clear and actionable recommendations for teachers to support literacy. Kelly, K and Phillips S. (2018) “Teaching Literacy to Learners with Dyslexia,” London: Sage.

Speech and Language Checklists

Resources from Bradford Schools Online



In addition to the links listed on the Dyscalculia page, the following books may be of benefit:

Relevant numeracy information, assessments & links

  • BEAM Diagnostic Interviews in Number Sense Denvir, M. and Bibby, T. (2004)
  • Effective Numeracy Support that makes a Difference. Case Study: New College, Durham. Available online Swan, M. (2005)
  • Emerson, J., & Babtie, P. (2013). The Dyscalculia Assessment 2nd Edition. Bloomsbury
  • Emerson, J., & Babtie, P. (2014). The Dyscalculia Solution. Bloomsbury
  • Butterworth, B. & Yeo, D. (2004) Dyscalculia Guidance. David Fulton Publishers
  • Bird, R. (2007). The Dyscalculia Toolkit. SAGE
  • Emerson, J., & Babtie, P. (2015) Understanding Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties. Jessica Kingsley Publishers
  • Moorcroft, P. (2014) It Just Doesn’t Add Up. Tarquin Group
  • Babtie, P. (2017) 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers- Numeracy Difficulties and Dyscalculia. Bloomsbury
  • Babtie, P. & Dillon, S. (2019) 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers- Supporting Students with Numeracy Difficulties. Bloomsbury
  • Bird, R. (2017) The Dyscalculia Resource Book 2nd Edition. SAGE
  • Bird, R. (2009) Overcoming Difficulties with Number. SAGE

Developmental Coordination Difficulties



Education Endowment Fund Publication ‘Metacognition and Self Regulated Learning’ : This evidence based guidance report is relevant to the teaching of all students from Key Stages 1 to 4, within any subject area. It introduces a simplified framework for self regulated learning and metacognition for use by teachers.


DfE: “Understanding Neurodiversity: A Guide to Specific Learning Differences”. This booklet contains a brief overview of the most commonly occurring specific learning differences.