SEND toolkit

Our special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) toolkit has been co- written with schools, early years providers, post 16 education settings, parent carers and other professionals. If you would like further information on any of the terms used, or the development of the toolkit please contact
Before using the SEND toolkit please ensure you have consulted the ‘Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice’ guide as this contains a range of strategies that can be implemented by mainstream teaching and support staff.
Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice (OAIP)
A classroom guide to support all teaching and learning staff. Includes prompts, strategies and examples of good practice to support children and young people.
Supporting children and young people with SEND
Early identification, effective use of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle, applying for an Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA), SEND funding and National SEND guidance.
Individual Support Plan (ISP)
The Individual Support Plan is a template co-produced by West Sussex schools for West Sussex schools. Find additional resources and information.
Cognition and learning
Supporting children and young people with additional cognition and learning needs, including specific learning difficulties.
Physical and sensory - including medical needs
Supporting children and young people with additional physical and sensory needs, including sensory impairment, sensory processing issues and developmental co-ordination disorder.
Communication and interaction
Supporting children and young people with additional speech, language, social communication or interaction needs.
Social, emotional and mental health
Information, resources and links for social, emotional or mental health needs, including emotionally based school avoidance, adverse childhood experiences and eating disorders.