Therapeutic Thinking training

About the ‘Therapeutic Thinking approaches to behaviour management’ training and other courses to support it.

As part of Education and Learning Strategy 2022-2025, WSCC deliver Therapeutic Thinking tutor training. The course title is:

  • ‘Therapeutic approaches to behaviour management’.

All schools can access the course.

We hope that two people from every school in West Sussex will attend the full training to create a consistent approach to managing behaviour across the county. The training follows a train the trainer approach. Attendees receive resources and tools to deliver training within their setting.

The course and its expected outcomes

Who is the training for?

The training is designed for the headteacher and other senior leaders, including inclusion or pastoral leads and special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs).

What is the purpose of the training?

The course is used to review and re-focus whole school behaviour management systems, policy, ethos and culture. It equips attendees to review existing policy and practice, providing them with knowledge and skills to develop whole school targeted next steps.

What happens after the training?

After successfully attending the initial training sessions, staff become tutors for their setting. They then have full access to resources and tools to embed the principles in their setting.

Staff who are tutors can also join termly network meetings and annual refresher training sessions. They also have access to ongoing support and advice from the West Sussex therapeutic leads.

Course arrangements

How long is the course?

  • 3 days, from 9.00am to 4.00pm.
  • Attendees must attend all 3 full days.

Who leads the training?

The course is led by an external Therapeutic Thinking consultant.

A Local Authority representative always attends the training, answering county-based questions and giving local perspectives.

How do we deliver the training?

We deliver training through:

  • PowerPoint
  • group work
  • discussion


The training consists of:

  • engagement modules which enable attendees to realise the necessity for the therapeutic thinking philosophy to be embedded in the school or settings
  • action modules for the sharing of a range of resources to analyse behaviour

On the third training day attendees deliver their own 8-minute presentation to the group with a partner. This is an essential part of the training. The training includes the resources and preparation time to present.

When are the training dates?

Training dates in 2024

  • 1 October to 3 October 2024

Training dates in 2025

  • 27 January 2025
  • 3 February 2025
  • 10 February 2025
  • 3 June to 5 June 2025
  • 14 October to 16 October 2025

Refresher training

When are the refresher course dates?

You can attend the one day Therapeutic Thinking Tutor Refresher Course training on the dates below:

  • 4 October 2024
  • 3 March 2025
  • 17 October 2025

Other training to support Therapeutic Thinking

What other courses support Therapeutic Thinking?

We offer 3 additional training courses supporting the Therapeutic Thinking approach.

Principles of group dynamics

  • Monday 24 March 2025

Principles of emotional literacy

  • Wednesday 7 May 2025

Principles of a behaviour curriculum

  • Monday 1 July 2024
  • Monday 16 June 2025

West Sussex Virtual School also delivers a range of training opportunities that align with Therapeutic Thinking.