Examples of inclusive practice in West Sussex Schools
Celebrating the inclusive work of our West Sussex schools and education settings.
This area of Tools for Schools highlights a few examples of inclusive practice taking place in our schools and settings on a daily basis.
If you would like to share your own example of good inclusion practice, email: toolsforschools@westsussex.gov.uk.
Therapeutic thinking
Examples of how schools have successfully implemented whole school approaches such as therapeutic thinking.
Includes a film about inclusive practice at a further education college.
Supporting social, emotional and mental health needs
Including zones of regulation and EBSA (emotionally based school avoidance)
Pupil voice
How to engage and act upon pupil voice
Supporting cognition and learning
Achieving the Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Inclusive practice Award (DaDIPA).
Celebrating diversity
Promoting acceptance and understanding of diversity.
Supporting physical and sensory needs
Including supporting complex needs.