Tools for schools and education settings

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) toolkit
SEND resources, strategies and information, classroom guide to ‘Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice’.
Child's journey
Transition, child voice, person centred planning, parent views and home school partnership, preparation for adulthood.
Inclusion framework, inclusive practice, disadvantaged groups, celebrating inclusion with good practice examples.
Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice (OAIP)
A guide for teaching and learning staff to support all children and young people. Including prompts, strategies and examples of good practice.
Advice and support
Providing advice and support around meeting the needs of children and young people in school or education settings.
Contact us
You can email the Tools for schools team any time. We will respond to all enquiries as soon as we can.
If you have any feedback about this website, let us know.
Are you a parent or carer of a child with SEND?
Get resources and information for parents and carers of children and young people with SEND.