1 Overview
We can help adults and children with physical disabilities or illness by providing equipment to assist with:
- getting around the home, such as stair rails or rails at the front door
- daily activities, such as washing, using the toilet, getting on and off furniture (bed and chair), and managing in the kitchen
- providing support after a discharge from hospital
- increasing independence and safety.
Equipment is loaned to through the Community Equipment Service and is free of charge to those who live permanently in West Sussex.
2 Request equipment
You will need to contact our Adults' CarePoint Team to discuss the equipment you need. We are able to supply some equipment following a phone call; for other equipment we may need to arrange a home assessment to see what could make your day-to-day life easier.
If equipment cannot be supplied, advice will be given depending on the individual circumstances. If you are not eligible for funding we can help you purchase the right equipment.
Further information is available on our contact us for social care help page.
3 Returning equipment
If you no longer need your equipment, phone the Community Equipment Service to arrange collection.
4 Repairing equipment
If equipment needs repairing or replacing, phone the Community Equipment Service.