Travel plan advice

How we can help you create and promote your travel plan.

If you need to develop a workplace or residential travel plan in support of a planning application, you can request a copy of our guidance and posters by contacting us. We also offer a full pre-application advice service.

Additional support

To help you promote smarter travel choices within your organisation, we offer a range of sustainable travel leaflets, wall charts and online templates available on Pindar Creative.

The templates enable employers, developers, local authorities and other organisations to create their own site-specific leaflets explaining the travel options to their location.

The leaflets contain mapping showing access options to the site by bus, train, cycling and walking. There is also space to set out any travel plan measures and incentives and provide information about the benefits of green travel.

As the base mapping and leaflet templates have already been created, these professional leaflets can be produced at very reasonable rates. All leaflets are also provided in a PDF version so they can be emailed to staff or residents and put onto websites to promote travel options.

The leaflets can be made interactive at an additional cost.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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