Section 19 Standard Permit

Apply for a Section 19 Standard Permit, previously known as a Small Bus Permit.

1 Overview

The Section 19 Standard Permit allows voluntary groups and certain other bodies to charge for providing transport to their own members or other clients, without having to apply the full PSV Operator Licensing or PSV Driver licensing requirements.

A charge can be any payment which gives passengers the right to be carried. This could include payments not directly related to a particular journey (such as a subscription to a club).

The Section 19 Standard Permit:

  • replaces the old 'Small Bus Permit' (for vehicles seating 9-16 passengers)
  • additionally applies to vehicles seating fewer than 9 passengers, where they are carried as separate fares. 

2 Permit conditions

Only the body to whom the permit was issued can use the permit. Drivers must be either employed by, or members of, the body the permit is issued to.

Permits are transferrable from one vehicle to another within the same permit holding body. If another organisation uses the same vehicle, they need to apply for their own permit. 

Who you can carry

A permit does not allow you to carry the general public. Usually you are only authorised to carry the following:

  • members of the body holding the permit
  • persons whom the body exists to benefit and those assisting them
  • disabled or seriously ill people and those assisting them
  • pupils or students of any educational establishment and staff or other helpers accompanying them
  • those living in a defined area or community without access to public transport services.

When you cannot use a permit

  • To carry members of the public.
  • With a view to a profit.
  • Incidental to an activity which itself carried on with a view to a profit.

3 Apply for a permit

To apply for a permit print and complete the following form:

Section 19 Standard Permit form (PDF, 272KB)

Permit fee from 1 April 2024: £19.00

You can pay by BACS (preferred) or by cheque. If paying by cheque please enclose with your application. Cheques should be made payable to West Sussex County Council. If paying by BACS you will be provided with the details if your application is successful.

Permits are valid for five years from the date of issue and must be renewed before expiry if still required.

Last updated:
19 July 2024
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