Salt bins

Details of how salt bins are used when there is ice and snow in West Sussex.

When snow or ice is forecast we salt the priority routes in West Sussex, as we cannot salt every road in the county.

However, we have over 800 active communities with local winter plans and salt bins and equipment across the county.

These communities undertake reactive snow and ice clearance in areas of local importance. We assist them by working with parish, town, district and borough councils, topping up their salt bins before the winter season. See also our information about how communities can clear heavy snow and ice.

Contact your local town or parish council or district or borough council for details on any local winter plans.

Parish and town councils also work with local farmers or contractors who can assist with snow clearance when needed. If you are a farmer or local contractor and would like to offer your support contact your local council.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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