Footpaths and street furniture

Who maintains pavements and paths, bus shelters, benches, noticeboards and bins, and how to report a problem.

There are over 7 million square metres (8 million square yards) of pavements and footpaths in West Sussex.

It is our responsibility as Highway Authority to make sure footpaths and pavements are properly maintained and safe for everyone to use. 

  • We carry out walked inspections at least once a year, prioritising those that have the heaviest use and are in most urgent need of repair.
  • We make minor repairs throughout the year, and aim to make dangerous potholes or cracks safe by the end of the working day they are reported. 
  • Sometimes we will resurface pavements before they break up as it can be five times cheaper to do this than completely replace them later.
  • We deal with dropped kerb (crossover) applications.
  • We cut grass for safety and visibility reasons.

We also maintain Public Rights of Way which are usually unsurfaced footpaths and bridleways.

What other organisations do

Local district and borough councils are responsible for:

  • maintaining street furniture such as benches, noticeboards, refuse bins and bus shelters
  • dealing with illegally parked vehicles

Sussex Police is responsible for removing obstructions caused by somebody parking across your driveway.

Utility companies working on pavements or footpaths are responsible for making sure pedestrians are safely diverted. They are also responsible for restoring the area once they have completed their work.

Report a problem

Contact us and give as much detail as possible on the location and nature of the problem if you notice:

  • damaged pavements or kerbstones
  • missing paving slabs
  • trip hazards and obstructions
  • parking on pavements
  • no barriers around street works or road works
  • building work that is affecting pedestrian safety

To report:

Last updated:
31 December 2024
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Also in Pavement maintenance

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