1 Overview
Before undertaking a traffic survey in West Sussex, the data collection company must obtain a licence to place the survey equipment on the public highway.
This does not apply to roads that are not maintained by the council - for example, the A27 which is the responsibility of National Highways. The relevant maintaining authority must approve before placing any equipment on their highway.
We require a minimum of five working days' advance notice from the date of application to the date the traffic survey equipment will be installed.
A charge of £92.00 per street for the first 14 calendar days (or part thereof) is payable. Payment is made online.
2 Apply for a licence
Apply for a new licence (external link)3 Terms and conditions
Conditions applicable to all traffic survey equipment on the highway. A licence is valid for a minimum of 14 days.
Public liability insurance
A £10m minimum public liability insurance is required along with street works accreditation. In addition to this, employers liability insurance of at least £5m is required.
Risk assessment
A risk assessment and method statement must accompany the application.
The Licensee shall ensure that the equipment is installed and inspected by a competent and responsible person.
The applicant shall not allow the equipment to be placed any longer than is necessary.
Equipment must not be left in such a location that causes a distraction or undue obstruction of the highway. The highway should always be accessible to all users.
Equipment must be removed promptly upon completion of the survey (within 24 hours of the licence expiring) or when required by West Sussex County Council.
Faulty or dangerous equipment must be removed immediately upon request or will be removed by West Sussex County Council.
This consent cannot be taken as authorising the creation of a nuisance or a danger to users of the highway.
This application is only for equipment to be installed on the highway in West Sussex. Separate permissions must be obtained for equipment being installed on private property.
All equipment must clearly display a 24/7 contact name and telephone number for the public to report any problems (24/7).
The highway shall be left in a clean and tidy condition on removal of the equipment. Any damage shall be reported to West Sussex County Council and repaired in accordance with agreed details.
Equipment must not be affixed to street lighting columns (other than when the base is being used as a securing point) without approval from West Sussex County Council and it’s contractor.
Engagement and roadworks
On request, the licensee may be required to engage with the local community affected by the survey equipment.
The applicant shall be responsible for checking if any roadworks are being undertaken in the vicinity of the planned traffic surveys. Information on roadworks in West Sussex is available at one.network