Mobile cranes and tower cranes

Apply for a permit for a crane to sail over or be placed on public highways.

1 Overview

A crane permit or licence is required by any contractor intending to place a mobile or tower crane on, lift from, and/or oversail the public highway.

No work may commence on the public highway without an authorised permit and/or licence.

The cost of an initial crane/oversail licence is £451 for a period of up to four weeks. Extension periods will be granted in four week intervals at a charge of £213.

2 Health and safety

The duties and responsibility in law rests primarily with the principal or main contractor and sub-contractors on site to ensure the management of health and safety on site, the safety of the public and compliance legislation.

Any required traffic management must be erected as per the Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8, both on the footway and highway.

Risk assessments, safe working instructions or safety method statements must be made available on site if requested by a representative of the Highway Authority.

User qualifications and records of thorough examination and inspection must be made available electronically.

3 Apply for a permit and/or licence

Complete the online application form at least 7 working days in advance (6 weeks in advance if a road closure is required) and return with a copy of your public liability insurance to the value of £10 million.

Apply for a new licence (external link)

A permit and/or a licence will not be issued until all the relevant documentation has been received and reviewed. Additional information may be requested following the review of the documents received with the application.

When a crane uses a public highway

If the crane operation will cause an obstruction of public highways, road space must be booked in advance.

The highway includes the road, footway, footpath or bridleways. Road space is needed for use at anytime from unloading to being transported away on completion of the project.


4 Accidents, incidents and reporting danger

The permit holder must report any accident, incident or near miss involving the use of the crane, especially involving members of the public, to our health and safety team, in addition to any statutory reporting requirement.

5 Crane oversail permit terms and conditions

The requirement to obtain permission and a licence from the council as highway authority applies to any person or organisation who wishes to use a mobile crane or tower crane on or over the public highway.

The works

All works shall be in accordance with the specific requirements issued by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) at the time of the application and insofar as the site may be subject to periodic inspection, additional conditions may be imposed during the works.

Health, safety and welfare

The executor of the works shall undertake works in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other legislation, approved codes of practice and guidelines applicable to the works. This shall be done with particular regard to the protection of the public from harm, injury, damage or loss.

During the operations, the applicant shall take all steps to ensure that the safety and well-being of the public is not jeopardised and shall comply with all reasonable requests made by the council in this respect. (Attention is drawn to the publication Code of Practice 3010, 1972 - "Safe Use of Cranes", available from the British Standards Institution of 2 Park Street, London, W1A 2BS).

Disabled and blind persons

All works shall be executed with due regard to the additional particular needs of disabled and blind persons using the highway.

Traffic control

The executor of the works shall provide and erect all necessary warning notices, signs and signals for the satisfactory control of traffic in accordance with Chapter 8 - Traffic Signs Manual 1991, and the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1994 and any subsequent amendments thereof as directed by the highway network manager.

Signing and guarding

The signing and guarding of the works shall be in strict compliance as contained in the Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8 (Traffic Safety Measures and Signs for Road Works and Temporary Situations). The applicant shall take all steps to ensure safety of the public and shall comply with all reasonable requests made by the Council and all other authorised persons.

Road signs

No existing road sign or line shall be obstructed or rendered less effective due to the execution of works without the approval of the council and the provision of alternative signing or lining to their requirements.


The applicant must provide a method statement outlining reasons for the type of crane to be used with details, erection, construction programme, dismantling operation and proposed working hours.

The crane must be used in accordance with the manufacturers’ guidelines and in compliance with the relevant safety legislation and standards. A safe working area at ground level is required to be provided at all times to prevent pedestrians gaining access.


The works shall be carried out with all speed and diligence. No works will not be carried out at night, weekends or bank holidays unless otherwise approved by the street authority.

The applicant shall permit the council to inspect the operations at all reasonable times.

Public liability insurance

The applicant must have public liability insurance to work on the public highway. The cover value of this should be a minimum of £10,000,000 per incident, with an unlimited number of incidents and shall be liable for and shall indemnify the council against all actions in law or in equity damages, statutory or common law losses, costs, charges, fees, claims and damages in consequence of the transportation, erection, dismantling or use of the plant whether by means of defect (latent or otherwise) in
the said Plant or for any other reason whatsoever.


The applicant shall note that the council may, if it thinks fit and reasonable to do so, terminate this consent without notice. At such a time all operations and plant shall be dismantled and removed from the highway without delay.


Any damage of any kind whatsoever which may be caused to the public highway as a result of the works at the location described, and hereby undertake to pay West Sussex County Council the total cost of any repairs to the public highway as may be deemed necessary by the Highway Inspector.

Other licenses and planning

It is the applicants responsibility apply for any other licences or orders that may be required to allow this operation to proceed.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to consult with the local planning authority to determine whether a planning approval is required for these works.

Last updated:
30 January 2025
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