About Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects

Our role as a statutory consultee for large-scale West Sussex developments that require consent.

1 Overview

In 2012, the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) became the agency responsible for operating the planning process for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP).

NSIPs are usually large-scale developments that require ‘development consent’ from the relevant Secretary of State under the Development Consent Order (DCO) process, rather than planning permission from the relevant planning authority.

The County Council is a statutory consultee in the DCO process for projects in West Sussex.

At present, there are three proposed NSIPs in the county:

  • Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm
  • Gatwick Northern Runway project
  • A27 Arundel bypass.

3 Role of the County Council

The County Council is only a statutory consultee in the DCO process. It is not the decision-maker and it has no control over whether an NSIP should be granted consent.

As a ‘host’ authority, because the NSIP is located in West Sussex, the County Council has specific responsibilities, including:

  • responding to consultations by the applicant
  • discussing DCO requirements (akin to conditions attached to planning permissions) and legal agreements with the applicant
  • providing ‘Adequacy of Consultation’ responses to PINS
  • preparing statements of common ground and local impact reports
  • submitting written representations to PINS and participating in the examination process.

More information, including formal documentation, is available on the PINS website - The role of local authorities in the development consent process.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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Also in Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs)

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