Win a fire crew for a day!

Community organisations in the Chichester district can apply for support from their local fire crew to help complete a project.


Release date: 8 July 2024

Firefighters at Chichester Fire Station are offering their services free of charge to support one lucky community group in need this summer.

Chichester Red Watch are keen to hear from any community organisations in the district who might be in need of some extra support to complete a project. This could include anything from decorating a community space, carrying out repairs to a community asset, or bringing an un-loved garden back into use.

The winning project would need to be completed within a day, with all materials provided to the crew – they would then do the rest. The crew will have access to all of the tools carried on the fire engine that they are trained to use.

Anton Mezzone, Station Manager at Chichester Fire Station said: “As part of our work within the city and wider district we work really closely with a number of different community organisations, providing fire safety advice and carrying out vital fire prevention work. Through this work we know there are a lot of community groups, charities and local organisations that have some great ideas to improve their communities for people living and working in those communities, but they may not have the resources to carry these works out. We are really keen to hear from anyone within the district who may have hit a brick wall with a project and are in need of some free labour.

“As part of the work we would also be carrying out some key fire safety work, whether that’s advising on the correct use of smoke and gas alarms in a building, or providing advice on minimising the risk of deliberate fire setting in the future, as part of the prevention work set out in our station’s Local Risk Management Plan.

“If you are in need of some extra support on a project for your community, we want to hear from you!”

The competition is open to community groups and charities. If you would like to put your idea to the crew for consideration, please submit a 250-word brief setting out your project and how the crew can support.

You can find out more and apply here:

Win a Crew: Terms and Conditions
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