West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service helps to keep young motorcyclists safe on the road


Release date: 15 May 2024

Firefighters in West Sussex have introduced a new life-saving Biker Down workshop for college students across West Sussex.

Young motorcyclists and drivers aged 16-25 are a high-risk group of road users. The aim of these sessions is to provide advice and training to help keep them safe on the roads.

The course teaches vital skills including scene safety, casualty care, and the science of being seen – which could save a life in the event of a road traffic collision involving a motorbike. The instructors also cover safety advice around using and charging electric scooters, bikes, and hoverboards.

Biker Down instructor, Richard Poole, said: “Our Biker Down workshops for young people are specifically targeted at an age group who may be learning to ride a motorcycle or have recently passed their test, as well as learner and new drivers.

“Unfortunately, young people are a particularly at-risk group of road users, so these workshops are designed to teach them life-long skills to prevent them becoming another statistic. We are working with a number of colleges to deliver this training and help keep young people safe on the road.”

The new course for college-age students has been introduced by the fire service following the success of its long running Biker Down workshops for adults.

Richard added: “Our free Biker Down workshops for adults are held throughout the year at fire stations across West Sussex. Places are still available for our next session on Thursday 23 May at Platinum House in Horsham.

“I would encourage everyone, no matter how you travel, to come along to one of these free workshops and gain valuable skills which could just save a life one day.”

You can find out more about our upcoming Biker Down workshops for adults and register you place via Eventbrite.

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