New lighting system to be installed in the A23 London Road tunnel at Gatwick Airport

West Sussex County Council will shortly be replacing the lighting on the A23 London Road tunnel under Gatwick Airport’s South Terminal.


Release date: 14 June 2023

The replacement will take place in three phases:

• Phase 1 – 19 June – 2 July – One southbound lane closed
• Phase 2 – 28 June 8pm to 6am 29 June – full tunnel closure
• Phase 3 – 3 July – 16 July – One northbound lane closed

The current lighting installation is nearly 15 years old and the lamps currently need to be changed every four years. The new system will use LED lights which will not need to be changed as regularly and can be accessed remotely to reduce the time required to rectify any faults that may occur.

The new lighting system will also include sensors which will match the lighting levels in the entrance and exit of the tunnel to the lighting levels outside, this will prevent a sudden change in light that can be hazardous to drivers.

Cllr Joy Dennis, Cabinet Member for Highways, said: “In the long run the new system will result in less impact to road users from frequent replacement of lamps and repairing of faults. The energy consumption and production of carbon will also be reduced, which supports the underpinning theme in our Council Plan of climate change.”

During phase 2 whilst the tunnel is closed overnight a diversion will be in place which will add approximately 10 miles or an average of 20-30mins to your journey time. Please factor in delays to your journey to the airport throughout the works taking place to avoid missing any flights.

Full information on the closure can be found on

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