Have your say on the fire and rescue service in new questionnaire

You feedback will shape preparations for the next Community Risk Management Plan (2026 - 2030).


Release date: 14 October 2024

West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service (WSFRS) has launched a new questionnaire to gather views on the risks that concern people living and working in the county the most.

The questionnaire is part of the planning process for the service’s next Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) which will run from 2026 – 2030.

The results of the survey will help the service plan the resources it needs to continue to help ensure West Sussex remains a safe place to live, work and visit.

Cabinet Member for Community Support, Fire & Rescue Duncan Crow said: “This is your opportunity to share your views on what you think works really well here in West Sussex as well as highlight any areas that you think the fire service should be focusing on in the years to come.

“The input to this survey will help the service shape its next CRMP for the rest of the decade.”

Chief Fire Officer Sabrina Cohen-Hatton said: “As a fire and rescue service we are continually analysing and assessing the risks within our communities to ensure that we have the right resources in the right place at the right time to keep the people living in our communities safe.

“As we begin preparing for our next CRMP we are really keen to hear from you as to the things that concern you most, particularly around emerging risks, such as those posed by climate change and new technologies.

“I would encourage everyone to take five minutes to share their views as part of this survey to ensure that we can continue to keep our communities safe.”

You can complete the questionnaire online on the WSFRS website, or if you would like to fill in a printed survey please call 01243 786211.

The survey closes on December 15.

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