Have your say on proposed cycling and walking improvements between Fishbourne and Chichester

Public engagement has begun on a number of proposed walking, wheeling and cycling improvements between Fishbourne and Chichester city centre.


Release date 28 June 2023

The proposals are part of the county council’s transport strategy, which aims to make walking, wheeling and cycling a more attractive option for shorter trips. By encouraging active travel, congestion on our already busy road network will reduce, air quality will improve and the county will become a safer, more pleasant place in which to live and work. Active travel schemes also bring health benefits and provide more options for non-car users.

The proposed improvements in Chichester are divided into three sections:
• Western Section: Fishbourne Road East
• Central Section: Westgate (between Sherborne Road and Parklands Road)
• Eastern Section: Westgate (between Parklands Road and Orchard Street Roundabout).

Cllr Joy Dennis, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport at West Sussex County Council, said: “These exciting proposals are at an early stage, so we would like to hear from people and organisations who may be affected by the scheme to help us shape the final designs. If we decide to progress the scheme, these designs would then be presented as part of a further, formal consultation at a later date.”

You can find out more about the suggested improvements by visiting the project’s website: https://yourvoice.westsussex.gov.uk/westgate-chichester

On the website you can have your say by completing a survey and comments can be added to our interactive maps.
Furthermore, a drop-in event will be held next Monday (3 July 2023) from 4:30pm-7:00pm at County Hall, West Street, Chichester. At the event attendees will have an opportunity to meet the project team, ask questions, and provide feedback in person.
This initial public engagement period will close at 23:59 on 7 August 2023.

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