Hard work continues to find solutions following A29 Pulborough landslide

“We cannot currently advise on timescales for reopening as the assessments, investigations and solutions are complex..."


Release date: 9 January 2022

Highways teams continue their hard work to find solutions to the complex situation following the A29 Pulborough landslide, when an embankment collapsed.

Every effort is being made to ensure the stretch of the A29 impacted by the collapse (on December 28, 2022) is safe so it can be re-opened as soon as possible.

A West Sussex County Council spokesperson said: “Our Highways teams continue to work hard to progress a solution so that this stretch of the A29 at Pulborough can be reopened as soon as possible.

“The landslide occurred at the narrowest part of the A29, where both sides are flanked by steep embankments. Safety is always our top priority and geotechnical experts have assessed the embankments along this section of the A29 and advised it is not safe to reopen the road to vehicles and pedestrians.

“We cannot currently advise on timescales for reopening as the assessments, investigations and solutions are complex and involve our continuing dialog with the landowners involved.

“Meanwhile, we have improved the diversion route signage, including electronic signs at key locations, and would reiterate our appeal to road users to please use the signed diversion route and take heed of the “road closed” signs and barriers which are there for everyone’s safety."

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