Every child in West Sussex needs a family. Do you have room in yours?


West Sussex County Council is calling on more residents to consider fostering to help fill our ongoing and significant demand for foster carers across the region.

2023 was a great year for our Fostering Family here in West Sussex, however, despite the council achieving its strongest fostering recruitment and retention in 10 years, the number of children and young people we care for continues to grow to over 900 across the county, with two thirds aged 11 years and over.

From 13-26 May, West Sussex will join communities across the UK to mark Foster Care Fortnight, The Fostering Network’s annual campaign to raise the profile of fostering.

This year’s theme is #FosteringMoments and celebrates the difference that local foster carers (and supported lodgings hosts) make every day. By encouraging those involved in fostering to share their stories, #FosteringMoments aims to show how foster care transforms lives, not only for children and young people, but also for carers. Tracey, a foster carer with West Sussex County Council said: “If you want a fulfilling life, where you wake up every day and realise you are doing something amazing, then foster!”

By fostering with West Sussex County Council, residents will join the council’s large family of foster carers who look after one another, get access to ongoing professional training and support, and receive a competitive financial package of up to £30,393 per year for foster carers and approximately £15,000 a year for supported lodgings hosts (per child/young person).

Foster carers provide a safe, loving, nurturing home for children who are unable to live with their birth family, this could be on an emergency, short- or long-term basis. The role of a supported lodgings host is less about caregiving and more about helping a young person, aged 16-24, prepare for adult life.

Jacquie Russell, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People said: “West Sussex County Council's fostering team continue to work tirelessly to recruit more foster carers, but we still need more to meet the growing demand. If you think you can help children and young people achieve their potential, please get in touch with our team.

“This year’s Foster Care Fortnight theme is about celebrating those special moments that fostering brings to children and young people, but also to foster carers. I’ve spoken to many foster carers in West Sussex and have heard the same thing time and time again; they wish they had done it sooner!

“If fostering really isn’t possible for you right now, you can still help by sharing information and starting conversations with family and friends.

“Fostering or supported lodging can be incredibly rewarding and I urge you to get involved in any way you can, you may transform more than one life.”

Could you support a local child? Contact Fostering West Sussex on 0330 222 7775 or visit the Fostering West Sussex website for more information.

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Last updated:
24 June 2024
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