Congratulations to West Sussex’s A-level students following return of exams

Results day: Careers advice and other support available to every young person


Released: 18 August 2022

Students across West Sussex who sat the first exams to be held in-person since the pandemic are opening their A-level and vocational course results today.

Nigel Jupp, West Sussex County Council Cabinet Member for Learning & Skills, said: “Congratulations and well done to everyone who received their results today. West Sussex students who sat exams in May and June of this year were among those who sat the first exams to be held in-person since 2019.

“While Covid-19 has continued to present many challenges throughout the academic year, the sheer determination and perseverance shown by students, teachers and their schools has been rewarded by completing the year successfully. Well done to everyone.”

Careers advice available

West Sussex County Council’s careers advisors are on-hand to provide free, one-to-one advice on a range of issues.

It could be the grades you received weren’t what you were hoping for, you need help finding a place at university, further education, training or employment, or you’re unsure about your options and next steps.

Chat with the careers team by calling 0330 222 2700 or email

Supporting your wellbeing

Feeling down, upset, stressed or anxious after opening your grades? You can find lots of advice and support to help you with your feelings on our Your Mind Matters webpages, which have been especially created to help young people to improve their emotional wellbeing.

Pass rates

The provisional A-Level results published last Thursday show that the overall pass rate (grades A* to E) for West Sussex was 98.9% - slightly above the national average of 98.6%.

This includes all West Sussex pupils at maintained schools, academies, colleges and independent schools.

A breakdown of all grades by region can be found on Ofqual’s website.

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