West Sussex Portage Service

The Early Years home-visiting educational service for children with additional support needs.

We work alongside parents and other professionals, offering practical strategies and ideas to encourage and develop a child’s emerging skills.

These include:

  • communication
  • moving
  • learning
  • playing
  • being with people
  • sensory and emotional regulation
  • sharing the routine activities of everyday life.

We value children and their families and celebrate their unique qualities.

The West Sussex Portage Service is guided by the National Portage Association (NPA) principles and aims to:

  • work in partnership with families
  • support families so they can learn together and play together
  • play a part in minimising the barriers that may confront young children and their families
  • support the national and local development of inclusive services for children
  • signpost families to relevant agencies who can offer further support

Further information about Portage

  • A film from The Centre for Early Childhood explaining more about Portage.

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  • Portage builds on what a child can do.

    A family will be assigned a home visitor who will visit on a regular basis at an agreed day and time. Home visitors and parents decide together on activities that can be practised regularly between home visits. The activities are based upon play, grounded in everyday situations and provide fun and success for the child.

    A typical home visit will incorporate:

    • child-led play
    • family focus
    • structured teaching

    All home visitors are fully trained to National Portage Association standards.

    Home visitors are supported by a supervisor (educational psychologist), a co-ordinator (teacher) and an administrator. Home visitors meet regularly as a team for continuing training and support.

  • We operate an open referral system. This means that anyone can refer to our service with the permission of parents and carers.

    We accept referrals for children up to the age of 3 years 6 months at the date of referral.

    Children who attend an Early Years setting for more than 30 hours a week, attend a specialist local authority Early Years setting or have received Portage from another service will not meet our eligibility criteria.

    Portage team contact details and referral form (external link)

    Following a referral, a Portage co-ordinator will visit you and your child to explain in detail what is involved before any commitment is agreed. It will also be an opportunity for you to find out about the support Portage offers and ask questions.

    Together, we will decide whether it is appropriate for your child to be added to the waiting list for home visits. It is the family’s choice whether to use the Portage service if it is offered.

  • General resources