EarlyBird Programme run by Portage West Sussex and the National Autistic Society (Early Bird)


The West Sussex Portage Service run the National Autistic Society EarlyBird Programme for families who have a pre-school child with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. This is a 12-week programme, working with six families at a time bringing parents together for group training sessions as well as visiting families regularly in their own homes. Working in partnership with parents to develop an understanding of their own child, communication, and manage inappropriate behaviours.

What we do

  • The programme will be presented over the 12-week period for one morning with 8 group sessions and 4 home visits. Working with other parents helps families feel less isolated and gives them the opportunity to share ideas and information.
  • The EarlyBird professionals who present the course share many years of experience and aim to put parents at ease and make the programme an enjoyable experience for everyone.
  • The EarlyBird Parent Handbook is used in the course and will be provided by the facilitators. The course is free for families but a voluntary donation of £20 would be appreciated
  • Referrals come directly to the local Portage Team from the Child Development Centre, parents and families known to Portage.
  • Individual Contacts: Worthing Portage (01903 242558); Mid-Sussex Portage (01444 243150); Chichester & Horsham Portage (01243 536182); and Crawley and East Grinstead Portage (01293 572480).

Age range


Wheelchair accessible


Free to use


Requires referral


Requires application


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