Terms and conditions
When making a booking you are agreeing to abide by the following terms and conditions.
West Sussex Library Service reserves the right to refuse lettings that we feel may threaten the reputation of the library service for neutrality. This includes events that might be seen as politically or religiously extreme and campaigns promoting one side of a controversial subject.
The hirer must ensure that the venue is not used by any groups or speakers in support of any extremist ideology. Should such beliefs or practices come to light following a room hire agreement, West Sussex Library Service reserves the right to immediately cancel it and your payment refunded in full. The judgement of the service on what is acceptable use will be final.
If rooms are hired for open events, any publicity must make it clear that West Sussex Library Service does not necessarily support the views expressed at the event.
The hirer acknowledges that West Sussex Library Service has a duty under Section 26 of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 in the exercise of its functions to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism” (the “Prevent Duty”). The hirer shall ensure that it uses the relevant library space in such a way as to satisfy the Prevent Duty.
In the event of unacceptable behaviour or risks engendered by the hirer any future bookings will be jeopardised.
Bookings and charges
A responsible adult must be in attendance at all times and the person taking responsibility for the room booking must be over 18. No persons other than those directly involved in the activities of the group/organisation using the meeting rooms shall be allowed into the room.
Rooms can be booked by the hour. Charges are levied per hour, or part thereof. Exact times and charges will be agreed at the time of booking.
Room capacities are detailed in the room descriptions on the individual room web pages and these capacities should not be exceeded.
Organisers of events must ensure that everyone attending leaves the building by the normal closing time unless an extension has been agreed beforehand.
All sessions outside normal opening times will be charged at a higher rate.
All sessions finishing later than the agreed time will be charged for an additional session.
Hirers must ensure that they are fully aware of any library risk assessments and necessary actions. The Hirer is responsible for undertaking a risk assessment for their event/activity. The Hirer may be required to provide copies of risk assessments and other relevant health and safety documentation required to perform/run the event and related activities.
Hirers must contact the library staff immediately if any problems related to the booking arise.
Hirers must inform the library staff if they wish to nominate another responsible person to take over their role.
Confirmation, cancellation and changes
A full refund will be given for any cancellation received by email or in writing more than 7 days before the event.
No refund will be given for any cancellation received less than 7 days before the event and all unpaid charges for the period of hire shall remain payable.
The agreed charges are due at the time of booking, and not less than 30 days in advance of the event.
We cannot normally accept bookings made more than 6 months in advance.
West Sussex Library Service reserves the right to review all ongoing bookings in the event that multiple sessions are cancelled, or payments are not made in a timely fashion.
While we will make every effort not to cancel bookings, we reserve the right to do so. If no suitable alternative arrangements can be made, we will refund what you have paid us, but we will not accept any other liability.
West Sussex Library Service retains the right to change room reservation to another room to allow for essential maintenance or to accommodate another event. We will let you know as soon as possible if this is the case.
Fee structure
The categories of library lettings for different fee levels are:
- group 1: Community use - this is a discounted rate offered to local community 'not-for-profit groups and registered charities for activities such as classes, drop-ins and surgeries
- group 2: Business use - this rate is particularly targeted at supporting new and emerging small businesses
- group 3: Commercial use. This applies to all other sessions and also includes where admission is charged and for any type of selling/marketing activity
Please note: Where out-of-hours use requires attendance by a member of staff, an additional hourly fee will be payable.
Exact times and charges will be agreed at the time of booking.
Payments can be made by debit or credit card, BACS, or by cash in person at the library.
Any debit and credit card payments are made on Bookings Labs, using Capita.
You will need to pay any price increase, so long as we give you at least one month’s notice. We review our charges annually and any increases normally take effect on 1 April.
Accessibility and equality
All our spaces should be fully accessible, if you or your visitors require any specific access requirements, please let a member of staff know.
If you need to use an accessible toilet, check with the individual library as these are available in some libraries but not all.
Insurance, health and safety
All organisers and hirers using the exhibition space, performance space or meeting rooms must report to staff on arrival.
All entrances, gangways and emergency exits must be kept free from obstruction at all times.
All visitors should note the fire procedures and exit routes.
If the fire alarm sounds the event organisers should ensure everyone attending leaves the building as quickly as possible, using the nearest signed route to meet at the assembly point.
West Sussex Library Service shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any property or injury to any person arising out of the hiring. Public Liability Insurance only covers West Sussex County Council staff. As part of the booking process, we require hirers to ensure arrange and pay for their own insurance.
Accident reporting and first aid
Please ensure the library manager or duty library officer receives all relevant information concerning an accident on the premises, including the name and address of the person/persons affected and the nature of any injury sustained.
The location of first aid boxes and nominated first aiders are confirmed on the day.
Any cleaning or repair due to misuse or damage of the room or equipment will be chargeable.
Technical support and equipment
We can provide information on technical support for the equipment in the meetings room and free Wi-Fi is available at all libraries.
Using your own equipment
If you want to use your own electrical equipment on library premises, you are responsible for making sure that the equipment is safe and is used in a manner which conforms to its operating instructions.
Please note that you may not use your own heaters in the library. Library staff are authorised to refuse the use of any apparently unsafe equipment.
Smoking and naked lights
Smoking is not permitted on library premises including vaping, nor is any form of naked light (such as a candle flame).
If a kitchenette is available as detailed in the ‘Venue features’ and you have indicated in your booking that you would like to use it, then it is acceptable to bring in your own tea and coffee, soft drinks and snacks such as biscuits. Please note, we do not allow any external food deliveries such as Just Eat or Deliveroo.
Alcohol must not be sold or consumed on the premises.
Events’ promotion
Promotion of events must not be carried out and publicity should not be displayed within library buildings or directly outside the library without the permission of West Sussex Library Service.
We welcome the use of the media to publicise events, but agreement must be reached in advance between the organisers and West Sussex Library Service senior managers over the admittance of the press, radio and television reporters and cameras.
Licenses and copyright
Hirers must be aware of and are responsible for the payment of any fees for performing rights, licenses or copyright permissions linked to their event.
It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure they have the relevant licences in place to cover any entertainment, including the streaming of film works. If the Hirer fails to obtain the appropriate licences and an infringement occurs the Hirer will indemnify West Sussex Library Service and West Sussex County Council against any losses suffered as a result thereof, including all reasonable legal fees incurred.
If you have any questions about our terms and conditions, get in touch with us by contacting the library directly.