Climate Change Strategy

A carbon neutral and climate resilient organisation by 2030

In April 2019, the County Council passed a motion pledging to try to become carbon neutral by 2030. That ambition is embedded in our Council Plan which is underpinned by a cross-cutting theme of protecting the environment.

Our vision is that in 2030, West Sussex County Council is carbon neutral and climate resilient, using our limited resources wisely, and that we have enabled positive actions and behaviours across our county to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Our Climate Change Strategy 2020 – 2030 sets out our framework for action and key commitments that will help us to achieve our vision.

“The scale of the challenges we face in tackling and adapting to climate change is really substantial, new territory and cannot be under-estimated. It will require radical transformation in how we all work, live and play. Its importance is reflected in the cross cutting theme that underpins everything in Our Council Plan and in our detailed Climate Change Strategy.”

Paul Marshall, Leader of West Sussex County Council

Our strategy

Our Climate Change Strategy 2020 – 2030 outlines the five key commitments we apply in planning and delivering our services and operations, which are to:

  • mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing carbon emissions
  • adapt and be resilient to a changing climate
  • source and use resources sustainably
  • support and grow our local green economy
  • transform how we work
Climate Change Strategy 2020/30 (PDF, 1MB)

Our Climate Action and Adaptation Plan describes how we are putting our strategy into action to deliver our 2030 goals.

Read about our progress in tackling climate change.