Use less water

On average, each person in the UK uses around 140 litres of water per day. With more extreme weather predicted, water supply is becoming unpredictable and in West Sussex is classed as seriously ’stressed’.

Did you know that providing household water also has a carbon footprint? Water is intrinsically linked to energy.

Most of us underestimate the energy water companies need to treat and pump water into homes. With the water industry contributing 6% of UK carbon emissions, reducing the amount of water we use every day will reduce carbon emissions, and protect our natural environment and water supply.

Top tips to help save water

  • Water your plants early in the morning or late evening, when it’s cooler, and water the roots not the leaves. That way your plants will be able to absorb the water, instead of it just evaporating away in the sun.
  • Use a watering can, rather than a sprinkler or a hose which gushes many litres of water a minute. Fill a watering can and give the garden a gentle sprinkle. If any water is left over, save it for another day. If you do use a hose, fit a trigger gun to save water and reduce your bills.
  • Capture free rainwater for your garden instead of using drinking water. Rainwater is rich in nutrients, so your plants will love it too. Contact your water company to see if they offer discounted water butts.
  • Wash your car with a bucket and a sponge instead of the hose and keep the soap to a minimum. You’ll have less to rinse off and you can use any leftover washing water on your garden afterwards.
  • Serving water – place a jug of water in the fridge so you have chilled water ready to drink, rather than running your tap until the water runs cold.
  • Rinsing vegetables – instead of running vegetables under a tap, wash them in a bowl. After, you can use what’s in the bowl to water your plants too.
  • Check for leaking toilets – a leaky loo can waste many litres a day, which could be increasing your bills – so it can pay to know if your loo is leaking.
  • Washing yourself – on average, a bath uses 80 litres of water, while a shower uses just 35. Swapping a daily bath for a shower uses less than half as much water. Use a water-efficient showerhead for even bigger savings.
  • Brushing your teeth – by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth, you can stop thousands of litres of water going to waste.

For independent advice on ways to reduce your water consumption, see the Waterwise website.