What is an advocate?
An advocate is an independent person who helps you speak up for yourself. They also give advice, make you aware of your rights, listen to you and represent your views, wishes and feelings.
An advocate will support you so that you can have your say about the care and services you receive.
When you can get an advocate?
You can get an advocate if you are a:
- child or young person in care
- care leaver
- child or young person who has a disability and receives help from a social worker
- child or young person aged 12 or over involved in a child protection conference
- child or young person aged 7 or over involved in your first Child Looked After review
- child or young person wishing to make a complaint about West Sussex Children’s Services
What can an advocate help with?
An advocate can help you when you:
- are too scared to speak up in your review meeting because there are adults speaking in a way you don’t understand
- are angry that a decision has been made and you don’t agree with it
- want to move from your current placement, carer or supported lodgings
- don’t want to move again
- are confused about what is going to happen in your child protection conference
- really want others to understand how you feel about something
- want to complain about something
An advocate will help you speak up for yourself, to get things stopped, started or changed. They will listen to you and put across your views.
What will your advocate do?
Your advocate will:
- listen to you and find out if you have a problem or worry
- help you understand what your choices are and what people are saying
- ask you what help you want
- help you to sort out your problem or worry the way you want and make sure people are listening to you
You can ask the advocate to speak to people on your behalf or come with you to meetings.
The Advocacy team
How the Advocacy team works
The team work virtually (phone calls, video calls, texts and voice notes) as many young people prefer this. However, if you need a face to face meeting do ask for one.
If you need an advocate to attend a meeting with you, give us as much notice as possible, preferably five working days or more.
If you would like to find out more about what we do, you can contact us using the details below.
Request an advocate or contact the team
To request an advocate or contact the team you can contact us by:
- Web: Your Space: Child and young person advocacy
- Email:
- Phone: 033 022 28686