About us

West Sussex support to care leavers

We want to support you to think big, aim high and have aspirational goals; to be happy, safe, and live a healthy lifestyle. We want to make sure your journey to becoming an independent adult works for you and you get all the support you need.

At 18 you become an adult and your status changes, and it’s important you know what your rights and entitlements are so you know how we can and should help you. We will work with you to prepare you for this and support you after 18, with every care leaver being supported until 21 and up to 25 if you wish.

We know becoming an adult can be hard, we know you may not always get it right first time, that is fine, we will keep supporting you to achieve your goals and become the independent adult we know you can be

Your personal advisors

From the age of 17, you will be working with both your social worker and a personal assistant (PA). Your PA will be responsible for working with you to prepare you to live in independence where you are healthy, happy and safe.

They will provide you with advice and support to help you on your journey to living independently successfully. They will also keep you informed about the support we and other services can offer you.

If you are worried about anything or have any problems, you can talk to your PA, who will do their best to support you. Your PA will listen to what you have to say, treating you with respect and dignity.

The key thing to note with a PA is that the onus is very much on you, as a care leaver, to say when you need support – we expect it of you!

Your PA will also:

  • meet with you to write and review your Pathway Plan
  • support you in looking after your health and wellbeing
  • support you in education, employment and training
  • keep in touch with you until you are at least 21 years old or 25 if in education
  • keep an eye on any difficulties you may be having
Contact us

Voice and Participation team

We also have a Voice and Participation team who run a forum for care leavers to share their views and provide feedback on the services they receive. If you want to know more about this get in touch.

Did you know?

From the age of 17, you will be working with both your social worker and a personal advisor (PA). Your PA will be responsible for working with you to prepare you to live in independence where you are healthy, happy and safe.

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