Living away from West Sussex

Living away from West Sussex
If you are living outside of West Sussex, you will need to choose whether you wish to remain living in the area you currently live or whether you would like to move back to West Sussex. If you like where you live and want to remain in the area, we will work with your local housing department to support you move into either supported or independent private rented accommodation.
We will also make attempts to apply to the local housing register, however meeting Local Connection criteria can be difficult to demonstrate if you have not lived there for long. Each local authority has an allocation policy which sets out their rules on local connection. If you would like to return to West Sussex, we will arrange for you to have a housing assessment with the district or borough where you would like to live.
Your personal advisor (PA) will work closely with the housing department to support you to move into either a form of supported housing or into private rented accommodation. We will also support you to apply to a housing register, so you have a possibility of accessing social housing once you are ready to live independently.