Domestic abuse information for professionals

Training and information for those working with victims of domestic abuse.

If you are likely to come into contact with victims of domestic abuse through your work make sure you are familiar with:


A MARAC is a single meeting that enables professionals to share information to increase the safety, health and well-being of victims of abuse. Further information can be found on the SafeLives website.

There is also a MARAC video explaining why MARACs were set up, how they help high risk victims of domestic abuse and the types of professionals that are expected to attend.

There are four MARACs in West Sussex. Senior members of each agency attend their MARAC once a month to manage the highest-risk domestic abuse cases.


MARACs have been operating effectively in West Sussex since May 2008 and have discussed in excess of 3,000 high-risk domestic abuse cases. On average around 25 per cent of these cases are defined as repeats (discussed at MARACs within the past year). It became clear that in some critical cases there was a need for ongoing multi-agency risk management. This is done through MARAC+. 

Members meet monthly to:

  • share information and understand the risks
  • develop robust risk management plans
  • review efficacy of plans
  • review and record results.

MARAC+ members also communicate between meetings to keep plans live and responsive.

To make a referral to MARAC please complete our online form.

Supporting documents

Below are details of training and guidelines offered by other organisations for front line workers.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

The recommendations of NICE cover the broad spectrum of domestic violence and abuse.

Guidance is for:

  • health and social care commissioners
  • specialist domestic violence and abuse staff
  • others whose work may bring them into contact with people who experience or perpetrate domestic violence and abuse.

It may also interest members of the public.


Supports a strong multi-agency response to domestic abuse, focusing on saving lives - and public money. Its website provides guidance, and details of how to contact your local SafeLives co-ordinator and representatives.

It also provides practical help to support professionals and organisations working with domestic abuse victims. 


Offers advice to front-line workers about working with domestic violence perpetrators alongside its confidential helpline for perpetrators.

Safer Arun Partnership

Works together with communities in the Arun area to drive down crime and build a place where people feel safer.

It can offer:

  • advice
  • help to sort out a problem
  • funding for community projects from time to time.

Women's Aid

Whether you work with survivors, deliver a service or are an employer wanting to support your staff, the Women's Aid National Training Centre offers expertise to equip you with tools to understand and respond effectively to domestic violence.

Last updated:
17 July 2024
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