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Stay safe

Tips on staying safe when out and about.

When you are out, especially at night, make sure you look after yourself and your friends. Your chances of being a victim of crime are low but to help you stay safe follow this advice.

  • In public, stay in bright, well lit and busy areas. Act confidently and be alert to your surroundings, particularly if it’s a place you don’t know.
  • Don’t display your valuables. Showing off your smartphone, wallet or purse can make you a target. Keep your money hidden away and somewhere that can’t be accessed easily.
  • Where possible, don’t travel alone and always make sure you let someone know where you are and what time you are likely to be home. On public transport, you are safest where there are other people and it is well lit.
  • Plan your journey.
  • Take extra care in large crowds by keeping personal belongings and valuables secure.
  • Never accept a lift from someone you don’t know. Pre-book a taxi rather than hailing one on the street.

Anti-social behaviour can affect your community, examples include:

  • vandalism and graffiti
  • nuisance neighbours and loud parties
  • drug use or dealing
  • litter and abandoned cars. 

If you are caught acting in an anti-social way you could be given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO)

If you witness anti-social behaviour you can report it

Other sites that might be useful

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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Also in Personal safety