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Mind of My Own app for looked after children and young people

Use an Apple or Android device to communicate with your worker in West Sussex.

The Mind of My Own app is a great way for you to communicate with the professionals that work with you in West Sussex. You can easily express your views and be heard anytime, anywhere.

You can use the app on your own Android or Apple device, if you have one, or share your worker’s device when meeting with them. You need to be aged between 10 and 17 to use it.

Watch a video on using Practitioner Space and a young person sharing their experience of using Mind Of My Own One App.

Note: This video uses YouTube's automated captions, which we have checked for accuracy.

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Your worker will introduce you to Mind of My Own at the appropriate time. Wait for them to talk to you about it, then download it from Google Play or the Apple app store and follow their instructions to get started.

Last updated:
4 September 2024
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