Family activities and support

Search, add to or update our directory for family activities and support in West Sussex.

1 Information we provide

Our Family Information Service (FIS) directory provides information about activities and support services for you and your children (0-25 years), including:

  • parent and child groups
  • toy libraries
  • leisure activities
  • days out
  • youth clubs and support
  • parenting classes
  • counselling, addiction and wellbeing
  • learning, working and volunteering.

You can search using our online directory.

2 Add or update your activity or support organisation

If you are an early years or childcare provider, please see our Online provider portal page.

Providers of family activities and support organisations in West Sussex can join the directory of services on our Family Information Service (FIS) website. Our information is for families with children aged 0-19 years, or up to 25 years for children with SEND. There is no charge to be listed in the directory. You can also check to see if your activity or support group is already part of the directory from the FIS website.

Family Information Service (FIS) website (external link)

Joining the directory

There is no charge to join. You can email us with basic information about what you offer and we will send you joining instructions.

Once we’ve added your listing to the directory, we’ll send you log-in details for the Online provider portal through which you can update your listing at any time yourself. We do ask that you try to update your directory information at least annually.

Updating your listing within the directory

If you are already part of the directory, you can update your information via the Online provider portal. You need a username and password to access the portal. If you don’t know these, or you need help, please email us.

Leaving the directory

To remove an activity or support group, email us and tell us the name of the activity or group as it appears in the directory, and the postcode.

Last updated:
17 July 2024
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