How to read the plan

This plan sets out where WSCC will focus its efforts over the next four years.

The plan

This plan sets out where WSCC will focus its efforts over the next four years. It is set out and organised around four priorities with an underpinning theme of climate change. When reading this plan the key things to note are as follows.


These are the key areas of focus for all WSCC services. All directorates in the Council will deliver on or enable one or more of these priorities to be delivered. Under each priority is a list of activities that reflect the type of work we will do or continue to do.


These are the things we will achieve for people who live and work in West Sussex. All directorates in the Council will deliver on or enable one or more of these outcomes to be achieved.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets

These are the things we will use to measure the progress and impact we are having or have had to achieve the outcomes set out in the plan. They cover the four-year period of the plan and will be reported on quarterly and updated annually. KPIs marked with a (CC) reflect those that are focused on the underpinning theme of climate change.