Behaviours that challenge expectations
Strategies and provision that could be used to support. For example: refusal to follow instructions, aggression, damage to property.
Provision and/or strategies:
- Understand the function of the behaviour as a form of communicating before implementing strategies – try to identify why the child is displaying behaviours before planning how to support them. Monitor so that you have a good understanding of the frequency and location of triggers – frequency charts; STAR observation sheet; ABCC observation sheets; informal observations can be carried out to inform understanding.
- Talk with parent carers, are they experiencing similar behaviours at home? Develop a shared understanding and plan appropriate strategies to be used at home and in the school / setting.
- Review routines, practice and provision. Ask questions about why you do things the way you do and who benefits. Be open and flexible, if it isn’t working make a change.
- Give a consistent message but flexible approach, “I want you to be in class and join in’ is the consistent message; the approach to support this happening may vary or be flexible depending on individual needs.
- Share strategies with all adults and ensure they are used consistently.
- Ensure learning needs are being met.
- Explore the use of peer observations or videoing good staff interactions and use of strategies to develop other practitioners’ skills and confidence.
- Create a quiet, low arousal space with the child / young person where they can go when they feel overwhelmed.
- Encourage the use of emotional language. When the child is calm wonder about their feelings and emotions and those of others in a natural way.
- Through modelling support the child to find alternative ways to express their feelings, for example using their words, showing an adult.
- Model positive interactions and language to support collaborative play, turn taking and negotiation with peers. For example, using visual prompts such as timers, moving to another experience while they wait their turn, being able to use their voice to say ‘stop’ or ‘no’ rather than using physical communication.
- Plan a proactive rather than reactive approach to support the child and improve their experiences.
- Observe the child’s play, find out about their interest and plan appropriate activities to engage them.
- Explore what motivates the child and use this to support them to develop prosocial behaviour. This could be giving them a role that they see as important, providing praise, an activity of interest, a challenge or something new and exciting.
- Notice the positives and comment on what it was that the child / young person did well.
- Use ‘wondering out loud’ to support emotional understanding, e.g.’ I can see you are…tapping / shouting etc…I wonder if you are…worried / cross / stuck…shall we go for a walk / take a break / get a drink etc?
- Offer clear guidance – explicit messages letting the child / young person know what is expected of them.
- Offer a ‘Get out with Dignity’ clause letting the child leave the situation.
- A risk assessment plan must be in place if the child / young person is causing a risk.. The risk management plan should include pro-active strategies, early interventions to reduce anxiety/harm and reactive strategies to ensure a consistent approach.
- Employ a clear plan of action, agreed with parent carer to encourage and support pro-social behaviours. Develop a one-page profile or individual learning plan to support all staff to understand the child and provide consistent, appropriate support.
- Use choices to allow the child some control with the same end result e.g. “Would you like to talk to me now or in 1 minute?”
- Teach the child different ways to get their needs met, such as developing social skills or strategies to self-regulate emotional states.
- Use readiness to learn strategies and routines, for example, after breaks or between tasks.
- Consider the impact of the routines, timetable and how to the child for transitions.
- Plan for transition between lessons, year groups and phases in education including ‘what works well’ in terms of in class differentiation and support professionals to analyse behaviour.
- Communicate effectively with home/family e.g. what is going on at home, another agency’s involvement?
- Ensure that advice is consistently implemented and analysed and reviewed for effective impact.
- Use reintegration plans and meetings to support the child / young person. Often a gradual integration is more effective.
- Raise the need for use of a Pastoral Support Plan with the SENCO / Inclusion Lead if a child or young person shows regular episodes of dysregulated behaviour or persistent disruptive behaviour, or is at risk of exclusion.