Social, emotional and mental health (ordinarily available)
Strategies for withdrawn and isolating behaviours and much more.
In addition to the quality first teaching expectations outlined in Section 1, additional provision and interventions maybe required. Examples of presenting needs and suggested strategies are given below as a starting point for your planning and classroom practice. For more specialist advice, please see the social, emotional mental health section of the SEND Toolkit.
A pdf of the ‘ordinarily available inclusive practice’ guide can be downloaded from the main OAIP page. For more specialist advice, please see the communication and interaction section of the SEND Toolkit.
Top Tips:
- Consider what the behaviour may be communicating. Are there any unmet communication or social, emotional needs?
- Try to sensitively get the child or young person’s views on what is happening for them to gain a clearer understanding of the behaviours in context.
- Look at the history. When did the behaviour start to change? What are the triggers?
- Liaise and collaborate with home to understand the wider picture.
- What is working well for the child? Is there a positive key person is place for the child? What robust system supports the relationship?
- Keep notes of concerns and liaise with designated professionals, e.g. SENCO, key person, designated safeguarding lead.
- Be aware of any prescribed medication, feedback any changes or concerns to the parent carers so they can discuss with their GP to rule out health issues.
- Model pro-social behaviours and acknowledge them in children and young people. Pro-social behaviours are considered to be positive, helpful and intended to promote social acceptance and benefit other people or society, such as sharing and co-operation.
- Facilitate the implementation of specialist advice, for example substitutes for self-harming behaviours such as elastic bands.
Child or young person’s identified barriers and / or needs:
Difficulties participating and presenting as withdrawn or isolated
Strategies and provision that could be used to support.
Behaviours that challenge expectations
Strategies and provision that could be used to support. For example: refusal to follow instructions, aggression, damage to property.
Physical symptoms that are medically unexplained
Strategies and provision that could be used to support. For example, soiling, stomach pains.
Attention difficulties
Strategies and provision that could be used to support.
Attachment difficulties
Strategies and provision that could be used to support.
Low level disruption or attention needing
Strategies and provision that could be used to support talking out of turn, interruptions, fiddling etc.
Difficulty in making and maintaining healthy relationships
Strategies and provision that could be used to support.
Difficulties following and accepting adult direction
Strategies and provision that could be used to support.
Presenting as significantly unhappy or stressed
Strategies and provision that could be used to support.
Patterns of non-attendance
Strategies and provision that could be used to support.
Post 16 social, emotional and mental health difficulties - additional guidance
Identifying and supporting additional post 16 SEMH difficulties and strategies.