Difficulty with social communication and developing relationships
Examples of strategies or provision that could be used to support.
Provision and/or strategies
- Plan small groupings and opportunities to develop social understanding and inference.
- Group work is planned and used flexibly to promote independence from adults.
- Model functional language, for example, pointing, facial expressions, open body language / position at child’s level.
- Organise small group / 1 to 1 tasks and activities, for example those which involve turn taking and learning each other’s names, building up the size of the group gradually, adult to child, adult to two children.
- Promote a calm learning environment.
- Be clear and consistent in your communication of expectations.
- Ensure staff support the child to label their own and other’s emotions.
- Create communication friendly spaces for the child.
- Monitor the child at break and lunchtime and introduce strategies to support peer interactions, such as teaching of structured games.