Bus routes and timetables

Information to help you plan your journey by bus.

The best way to plan your journey by public transport, walking or cycling for the whole of West Sussex is by using Traveline.

You can search for a bus timetable or route map using either:

  • town or village name
  • name of a particular stop in that town or village
  • service number
  • name of the bus operator.
Find a bus timetable or route (Traveline) (external link)

You can also phone Traveline on 0871 200 2233 between 7.00am and 10.00pm, seven days a week (except Christmas Day). Call charges apply.

Bus operator timetables

If you know the bus operator that provides your service, you can visit their website for timetables and service updates. See our list of Bus operators for details.

Find your bus stop and next bus times

Access to live bus times is available through Traveline.

You can also find your local bus stop and next buses by using our interactive map.

Find out more about getting real time bus information on your mobile phone at Text for bus times.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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