Get around for £3.00 or less on most West Sussex bus routes.
Until the end of December 2025, you won’t pay more than £3.00 for a single fare on most bus routes. This offer is funded through the Department for Transport’s Help for Households funded Bus Fare Cap.
Further information is available on the participating bus operator websites below:
All ages
Season tickets are a great way to save money if you make frequent bus journeys. Contact your local bus operator for information.
For less frequent journeys see:
- Discovery ticket - one day's unlimited travel on all the main bus services in West Sussex, East Sussex, Surrey, Brighton & Hove and East Hampshire.
- Plusbus - add unlimited bus travel to your train ticket in selected locations from just £2.50.
- Stagecoach Back on Board - half price single and return tickets for jobseekers aged 18 and over who hold a Jobcentre Plus travel card (apply for a card at your local Jobcentre Plus office).
Children, young people and students
The standard bus fare for ages 5-15 is half of the adult fare, except on most Stagecoach services where two-thirds of the adult fare applies. Children under 5 travel free on all bus services.
New 16 to 20 Bus Saver
If you live in West Sussex and are aged 16 to 20, you can now access child rate fares and tickets from your local bus operator under our new discount scheme.
Find out more about the 16 to 20 Bus Saver.
For additional fare discount schemes for young people see:
Older and disabled people
If you are of eligible age or have a qualifying disability, you can apply to the County Council for a pass offering free off-peak bus travel on journeys made anywhere in England.