Collision locations map


The map shows the locations of injury collisions reported to the police for the five-year period between 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2024. Collisions in this period, still being validated by the police, may not be available at this time but will appear in future updates.

There are different ways to zoom into a location:

  • Click on the '+' or '-' symbols at the top right of the map. Click on the compass to move direction.
  • Use a mouse wheel to zoom in/out. Press and hold the left hand button to drag the map.
  • Address searches can be carried out after clicking on the magnifying glass at the top left of the map.

Severity layers can be turned on and off by clicking in the circle to the left of the severity shapes in the legend area.

It is possible to obtain additional information about the collision by clicking on a collision symbol.

If you are unable to use the map please contact us.