Rampion hedgerow enhancement fund

Find out about the scheme funded by the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm for hedgerow enhancement along the onshore cable route.

The Rampion Offshore Wind Farm, off the Sussex coast, was approved in 2014. The onshore element of Rampion includes a buried transmission cable from the landfall at Brooklands, between East Worthing and Lancing, to the Bolney National Grid Substation in Mid Sussex.

As part of the approval, a fund was created by the operator, E.ON, for hedgerow enhancement within 5km either side of the onshore cable route (outside the South Downs National Park).

The fund, managed by the County Council, is provided to benefit habitat connectivity across the hedgerow network and to offset the impacts caused by the temporary removal of hedgerows during the cable installation works.

Hedgerow enhancement works eligible for funding include:

  • new hedgerow planting
  • ‘gapping up’ or infilling existing hedgerows
  • hedgerow restoration work such as laying, coppicing and planting
  • new hedgerow trees.

Native species appropriate for the location should be used. Priority will be given to proposals that improve the existing hedgerow network and connect other habitats such as woodland and ponds.

The information needed to apply should include:

  • the location, marked on a plan
  • a short description of the proposed work, such as length of hedge to be planted and number of trees
  • the proposed species - numbers, planting rate/density
  • the cost.

Subject to eligibility, funding would normally cover the full cost of the proposed work. All work will be inspected on completion and reimbursement of costs made on delivery of receipted invoices.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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