Woodlands Meed build latest


West Sussex County Council is extremely disappointed to announce that, despite reassurances from the contractor, Woodlands Meed College has still not been completed to a satisfactory level for handover.

Council officers have reviewed the contractor’s progress in the last week and there are significant issues outstanding that need to be resolved.

These include issues with the vinyl floor coverings, external brickwork and tiles around the hydrotherapy pool, along with other significant matters that need to be resolved before the building can be taken over.

The council’s frustration remains that of the staff, parents and the pupils over the uncertainty, and we are sorry that we cannot yet confirm timescales.

As we have stated before, we will not accept a handover of the site from the contractor until it is in a suitable condition for pupils and staff to move into safely and without further disruption.

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Last updated:
24 June 2024
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