West Sussex County Council RAAC update


Release date: 4 September 2023

We are aware of the RAAC issue and have already completed a review of our records for all the schools we maintain. None were identified from our records as containing any indicating RAAC construction and we can therefore confirm that no West Sussex County Council maintained schools are currently closed due to this issue.

As a further precaution we have commissioned a physical inspection of all county council-maintained school blocks constructed between 1930 and 2000 to check for any RAAC materials. This survey work across 114 maintained schools will follow the DfE guidance as updated on 30 August 2023. If any RAAC construction materials are identified then further detailed examinations will be commissioned to determine the condition, associated risk, and any required mitigation. In addition to the maintained schools, we have initiated a parallel process for other WSCC owned buildings constructed within this time period.

Please note that we are not able to provide an update on schools in the county that are not maintained by us. These are run by academy trusts, who are responsible for the maintenance of their buildings.

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