Road closure: Borde Hill Lane

We are aware that Borde Hill Lane currently has water running down it following high rainfall and high groundwater levels which can freeze during cold spells causing dangerous driving conditions.


Release date: 17 January 2023

On Friday 12 January, whilst we investigated the cause of the excess water runoff, we erected signs encouraging drivers to slow down and warning of ice on the carriageway ahead of the affected stretch of road and continued to grit the area as part of our winter maintenance route. Additionally, due to the excess water washing away the grit a lot quicker than usual, we installed seepage bags to increase the salt content of the water in a bid to stop it from freezing.

After attending site early on Monday 15 January, West Sussex Highways requested three-way traffic lights be installed at the location of the water leak to help manage traffic through the hazard safely.  Regrettably, whilst our emergency response team were on site awaiting the arrival of the traffic management assets, a young motorist was involved in a road traffic collision.  Immediately following this incident, a full road closure was put in place to prevent any other motorists from driving through the hazard. 

The road closure, which was implemented on the evening of Monday 15 January, will remain in place until West Sussex County Council Highways are able to confirm the site is safe. 

We have been made aware that some motorists are moving the closure barriers in order to drive through the affected stretch of road.  West Sussex County Council Highways do not condone anyone driving through the closure and we have asked our contractor to undertake additional checks on the current traffic management whilst looking at options to get enhanced traffic management assets out to prevent people moving barriers etc.

In addition to the above measures, we will continue to investigate the root-cause of the water seeping through the surface of the carriageway.  South East Water have already attended site and stated that they do not believe the issue is not related to their assets.  Consequently, West Sussex County Council Highways will undertake the initial necessary investigations as soon as possible

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