Midhurst A286 road reopening – an update

The road has been open for a week now and traffic is flowing again through Midhurst


Release date: 4 July 2023

Following the work to shore-up the fire-damaged buildings in Midhurst, West Sussex County Council was able to reopen the A286 North Street in Midhurst to two-way traffic on Friday 23 June.  

The road has been open for a week now and traffic is flowing again through Midhurst. The last of the road signs advertising the reopening were switched off on Friday and will be removed soon.

Reopening the road was a multi-agency effort and work took place both on and off site to ensure it went ahead safely. Unfortunately, we are aware the restrictions were lifted earlier than planned on Hollist Lane and South Ambersham Hollow and we apologise for the disruption this caused.

Inspections of the formal diversion route, and more local cut throughs, were carried out early last week to identify any works needed to address the impact the increased traffic had on the local highway network. They will be planned as part of routine works and completed according to their priority.

A West Sussex Highways spokesman said: “The footway and parking bays immediately in front of the fire-damaged buildings are not in use, due to the shoring-up structure and hoarding covering the area. However, we are receiving concerning reports of people walking onto the highway to get around the hoarding. 

“We urge residents to please remain safe and cross the road using the pedestrian crossings, rather than walking around the hoardings and into the traffic on the busy A road.

“A big thank you to the Midhurst community for their ongoing patience and understanding throughout the road closure and reopening.”

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