HMICFRS report on the handling of misconduct in fire and rescue services

Statement from the Chief Fire Officer of West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service.


Release date: 2 August 2024

His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service’s (HMICFRS) has published its Standards of Behaviour report.

The inspectorate has set out 15 recommendations within the report for all fire and rescue services to ensure misconduct is handled effectively.

Responding on behalf of West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service, Chief Fire Officer Sabrina Cohen-Hatton said: “We want to ensure all our staff feel safe, valued, respected and equal, so creating an inclusive culture is a priority for our fire and rescue service.

“Since the publication of HMICFRS’s spotlight report into culture within the fire and rescue sector in 2023 we have already made significant progress to establish, by the required deadline, programmes of work and actions that directly address all 35 recommendations within that report to support our staff.

“In the last year we have followed through on our commitment to upholding the Fire and Rescue Service Core Code of Ethics. We have implemented an extensive cultural development programme, with every team and watch across our service taking part in discussions about our expected values and behaviours. To strengthen our leadership skills in line with the NFCC leadership behaviours, and to embed our Core Code of Ethics, leaders at all levels in the service have attended a series of Leadership and Cultural Change Workshops during the last 18 months. We’ve also ensured that any member of staff can raise concerns about conduct or behaviour in our service which they feel is inappropriate, through an external confidential reporting line.  

"I am encouraged to learn that the HMICFRS has seen cultural improvements across the sector, and we will begin work to address the recommendations set out in their latest Standards of Behaviour report. In my voluntary role as the National Fire Chiefs Council’s Improvement Lead, I am continuously researching ways to make consistent and positive change across the sector, and I am in complete agreement that the implementation of these recommendations will unify the values of each fire and rescue service in the UK.

“We acknowledge that fire and rescue services, including our own, must not become complacent or lose pace in creating workplaces that are inclusive for everyone.

“As Chief Fire Officer for West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service I will ensure that we address the HMICFRS’ 15 new recommendations, as well as the existing ones, to ensure we that we instil a culture that is representative of our Core Code of Ethics.”

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